A genome study of more than 700 European red deer has identified four distribution areas on the continent (Norway, Scotland, Spain and Central Europe), each with their own genetic characteristics that need to be preserved

A team from the University of Cordoba compared the sustainability reports put out by 100 agri-food companies in Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Germany

A study spearheaded by the University of Cordoba and the IMIBIC provides the first evidence of a direct interaction between kisspeptins, proteins crucial for sexual development, and astrocytes, non-neuronal cells of the nervous system, blazing new trails towards understanding the reproductive system's regulation

The combined thermal degradation of olive pomace and plastic waste by pyrolysis increases the effectiveness of the process and generates new value-added products, such as biofuels, according to a study by the University of Córdoba

With just a few drops of saliva and in a few minutes the presence of THC can be detected thanks to a technique developed by the universities of Cordoba and Valencia, making it possible to accelerate the analysis process and to use very small samples

Based on a mathematical programming model, the study finds that the proportional allocation of water, and not additional taxes on the resource, is more effective from the point of view of those engaged in agriculture

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